This is a SL04 box WebSDK examlpe! soure code files can be saved anywhere.

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大屏总控系统演示 / Control system on the large screen Demo

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如果您的电脑接入了SL04盒子,并且盒子的IP是默认的,那么你现在点击这些按钮,会远程控制你的盒子,最简单的测试方式是把盒子接上LED灯,看LED效果变化。注:如果要测试文件播放,你TF卡需要捕捉3个文件,文件名分别为1.dmx, 2.dmx, 3.dmx,并创建播放列表文件。
If your computer is connected to the SL04 box, and the IP of the box is the default, then you now click these buttons, it will control your box remotely, the easiest way to test is to connect the box to the LED light, and see the LED change. Note: You need to capture 3 files on your TF card, and the file names are 1.dmx, 2.dmx, and 3.dmx, and make a playlist file.
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